Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Essential for good health care

3 Stretches to Beat Back Pain

Essential for good health care

Essential for good health care

Almost 80 percent of  people battle back pain at some point in their lives, and if you spend most of your day sitting, you’re at risk. One thing that can help: stretching. “It lengthens and strengthens muscles, reducing pressure on [spine] disks and joints to ease and prevent pain,” says Kristian Berg, DN, an anatomy expert and author of Prescriptive Stretching. In fact, research has shown that back-pain patients who stretch as part of their treatment fare better than those who rely solely on anti-inflammatory medication. Berg suggests doing these three stretches once a day to prevent or relieve discomfort. Hold each one for 10 seconds, then tense the muscles being stretched for 5 seconds before releasing into another 10-second stretch. (This technique of squeezing the muscles helps give you a deeper stretch.) 

1. Hip Opener

Essential for good health care
Stretches the hip flex or muscles, which run from the lower back to the front of the thigh bone. Sit on the edge of a table, bench or bed. Lie down on your back and grasp your knees; your entire lower back should be in contact with the surface. Grab left knee with both hands and extend right leg so it hangs freely. Hold for 10 seconds, then tense the muscles being stretched. Repeat, then switch legs. Do two sets on each side. 

2. Side Stretch

Essential for good health care
Targets a lower back muscle that runs from the top of your hip bone to the bottom rib. Lie on the floor on your right side, supporting yourself with your forearm. Bend your left leg and move it up toward your stomach as far as you can without moving your bottom leg. Plant your left foot on the floor. Slowly raise your upper body so that your right arm is straight. Stop when you feel a slight stretch in the right side of your waist. Do two sets on each side.

3. L-stand

Essential for good health care

Stretches a muscle under the gluts and hip joint. Stand facing a table or surface that’s about as high as the top of your thighs. Raise your right knee and lift your ankle so the entire outside of your leg is resting on the table. Your leg should form an L shape and be in line with your hip. Arch your lower back and lean your upper body forward. Do two sets with each leg.

10 Powerful Natural Pain Killers Found In Your Pantry:
Painkillers like ibuprofen and acetaminophen are commonly used to soothe our daily aches. Many of these over-the-counter drugs are doing more harm to your body and are widely overused for chronic pain. They are addictive and can cause serious damage to the liver, kidneys, and intestines. Therefore more and more people are seeking natural alternatives to ease pain and heal their body.

Here’s a list of the top 10 painkillers found in nearly every kitchen:--

Turmeric has been used for ages in Ayurveda medicine to fight inflammation, promote detoxification, repair tissues, relief pain, and improve overall health. Turmeric works as a powerful natural painkiller to ease chronic pain, muscle aches, back pain, toothaches, and arthritis pain. Turmeric can be used to flavor many of your dishes or can be added to tea, smoothie, or juice recipes. FYI: always combine with black pepper to increase the bio availability of turmeric’s active compound, cur cumin.
2. Ginger
Ginger root, another powerful natural painkiller to fight inflammation and pain. It does a great job in treating chronic joint pain or arthritis. Ginger works well in tea, stir-fry dishes, soups, desserts and smoothies. Scroll down for a pain relieving ginger chain tea recipe. Some people are very sensitive to ginger, so add ginger gradually to your diet.
3. Chili peppers
If you like spicy food, then I have some good news for you. Capsaicin, the main compound of many hot peppers, has pain-relieving properties. It interferes and weakens pain signals going to your brain  Capsaicin works wonders to treat joint pain, fibroid Algieba, shingles, migraines, and headaches. If you can bear the taste add up to 3 teaspoons cayenne pepper to one glass of water and drink for instant relief.
4. Garlic
Garlic has a long history of helping people cope with toothaches, ear infections, and arthritic pain. You can simply make your own garlic oil by simmering 3 crushed cloves in ½ cup olive oil for 2 minutes. Strain and refrigerate for up to 2 weeks. Gently rub, pee-warmed garlic oil on aching joints or muscles or add 2 drops of warm garlic oil in infected ear to find quick relief. For toothaches make a paste of garlic and a pinch of salt and apply on affected tooth.
5. Cloves
Cloves, another great natural remedy to ease tooth or gum pain. Simply chew on a clove and it will release its powerful painkilling substance, Eugen. If you can’t bear the taste make strong clove tea instead.
Cherries are an excellent and yummy way to ease arthritis, gout, or chronic headaches. Cherries’ high levels of anthologists are responsible for their anti-inflammatory and pain relieving effect. These tiny compounds eliminate enzymes responsible for tissue inflammation and pain.
7. Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar (AV) is a versatile natural remedy. It works wonders to heal and ease painful bouts of heartburn. AV works alkalizing and helps your body to break down fat and protein more efficiently to avoid heartburn. If you often suffer from heartburn after a heavy meal, drink 1 glass of water with one tablespoons AV before your meal or sip slowly after a meal to find relief.
8. White willow bark
White willow bark was once used as a natural form of aspirin by the Greeks. Its active compound salicylic is well known for its pain relieving properties and has the same effect as the synthetic Aspirin on the market. It can treat various forms of pain going from back, joint, and muscle pain to head- and toothaches. Willow bark can be found in powder form, herbal teas, or in capsules.
9. Magnesium-rich foods
These days many people are showing signs of magnesium deficiency. Magnesium plays a key role in many of our bodily functions such as a normal nerve and muscle function. Many people find relief by adding more magnesium-rich foods to their diet, taking magnesium supplements, or Epsom salt baths.
Blueberries are the best natural remedy to treat and prevent urinary tract infections. They are loaded with tannins, which are very effective in killing the bad bacteria that cause urinary tract infections.


Essential for good health care


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