Friday, November 14, 2014

Healthy House

Definition of healthy House:
A Healthy house is sited designed built, renovated, and maintained to support health. A healthy house approach is a coordinated comprehensive and holistic approach to preventing diseases and injuries that result from housing-related hazards and deficiencies.

Definition of healthy HouseKeep it Clean
Keep all areas free of clutter and contaminants.
Keep it Safe
Install smoke/carbon monoxide detectors and fire extinguishers, while taking other safety measures to prevent injuries.
Keep it Well-Ventilated
Supply fresh air and eliminate the concentrations of radon, carbon monoxide, and tobacco smoke in your home
Keep it Contaminant-free
Reduce the exposure of lead and other contaminants in your home.
Keep it Well-Maintained
Inspect, clean, and repair your home routinely.
Keep it Pest-free
Seal cracks and openings to prevent insects and rodents from entering your home.

Useful some tips for maintaining a healthy house:
Home Remedy antibacterial spray cleaner
Why buy an antibacterial spray cleaner if you can make one in less than five minutes? Combine 1 cup rubbing alcohol, 1 cup water, and 1 tablespoon white vinegar in a spray bottle. Spritz on house surfaces including tile and chrome, wipe off, and watch how quickly the germ-killing polish evaporates.
Tips for the Kitchen cleaner
Microwave your sponge. Wash your hands with plain soap and water -- it's just as effective. Use a baking soda & water paste instead of commercial oven cleaner.  Open the window. Use gloves. Keep kids away from toxic products. Dust and vacuum often because dust often contains toxic.
Gather Stress-Reducing Tools
Readily having stress relievers can help you keep unhealthy stress at bay. These would be fresh flowers, peppermint or vanilla candles or diffuses, pictures of people you love. Other stress relievers: Photographs of peaceful vacations, works of art or even a sign that reads “Breathe.”
Make Your Bedroom TV Free
Television can over-stimulate your senses and keep you from fully relaxing before bed. DVR late night TV or watch it in another room before getting into bed. You’ll soon find you’re sleeping better and stressing less.
Unnecessary Furniture
Too much furniture in a room can cause the space to look cluttered and disorganized. Try moving pieces you don't use to another room to create an inviting, simple space to relax.
Think Outside the Thermostat
In summer, reach for an icy drink, not the air conditioner. Get used to temperatures a few degrees cooler in winter and a few warmer in summer. Open windows to let summer breezes cool your home at night, and use a programmable thermostat.

Remedies for Furniture water Ring:

Lemon Oil and Steel Woo
Lightly rub the stain with extra-fine–grade steel wool dipped in lemon oil. Once the ring is gone, polish the table with lemon oil and buff with a clean cloth. they’ll also help children keep their possessions organized.

Baking soda and Toothpaste
Remove the toughest water rings from your wood furniture using simple household ingredients and a little elbow grease. Mix equal amounts of white toothpaste and baking soda and apply it to a rag. Rub in the paste moving parallel to the wood grain, wipe it off, and then polish with lemon oil.

Healthy Child Home:

Paint Furniture
Buy unpainted furniture that you can paint and decorate in kid-friendly colors. As your children grow, they can repaint the wood for an entirely new look.
Paint Furniture

Make Room for Artwork
Cover a large section of wall in cork tiles to keep artwork, posters, and mementos off painted walls.
Make Room for Artwork

Give Each Child Their Own Space
If two children are sharing a room, carve out space for each child by placing tall bookcases back-to-back as dividers. Not only will the bookcases provide precious priv 4. Lemon Oil and Steel Wool.
Give Each Child Their Own Space


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