Friday, December 19, 2014

Teenage Health tips end home remedy

Medical Definition Of teenage:

Medical Definition Of teenage:

A term widely used to describe an age group between childhood and adulthood. Generally the accepted ages of the terms teen or teenager are 13 to 19 years of age. The teen years are a time of transition from becoming a dependent child to a young adult who is capable of taking care of them selves. During this stage of transitional physical and mental human development, teens tend to seek independence and experiment with youth risk behaviors.

Being young does not prevent you from experiencing stress. You may feel anxious about your body changes, overweight and skin health problem.

A couple of extra pounds are not a health risk for most people. But being overweight or obese can lead to health problems, both physical and emotional. It's particularly important to catch weight problems while someone is still a teen. Being overweight as a teen makes a person more likely to be overweight as an adult. In addition, many overweight teens are developing long-term medical problems like diabetes. Teens who are overweight also might be teased or bullied and are more at risk for depression. If your doctor thinks your weight isn't in a healthy range, he or she will probably make specific eating and exercise recommendations or refer you to a dietitian or doctor who specializes in weight management.

Safe Home Remedies for Weight Loss Tips

Maintain a regular diet
This is a common weight loss tip given by all. We all lead a fast life. Our work has nothing to do with our food habits. Try to maintain a regular time gap between each meal you take. Breakfast should be rich with portentous foods n fibers, maintain a gap not more than 2 hours between each meals.

Safe Home Remedies for Weight Loss Tips. Maintain a regular diet

Ignore your sweet tooth:
Sweets are the main reason behind obesity. Sweet has huge amount of calories and fats which gets stored in the soft tissues of the bodies causing life threatening diseases. It also increases blood sugar level causing diabetes mellifluous.

Ignore your sweet tooth:

Regular exercise: 
Everyone must workout for minimum 1 hour daily in this modern world. Firstly, to do this one must love his or her body. The huge calories that we put on regularly must be and can be eliminated only strict fitness regime. Lastly, we must concentrate more on cardio, core exercises as it helps to increase the basal metabolic rate (BMI) of an individual.

Regular exercise: –

Sound sleeping: 
We have a hectic work schedule. Particularly, those working in private sectors. We never have fix work colander, it keeps on changing with the work load. We all maintain a particular sleep pattern and time according to our biological clock. We all have a particular clock adjusted in our body like-a person in Amerce experience day in certain period of time where as a person in India feel it to a day in particular period of time. So, each one of has particular biological clock set according to location. If we keep on changing it certainly and abruptly our health get degraded. So, we must never change our sleep patterns.

Sound sleeping

Ignore fast food
Fast foods kill our appetite. It consists mainly of bad cholesterol. It maintains a poor hygiene. This bad cholesterol is the main reason for obesity. Thus, a obese body is prone to many diseases.

Ignore fast food

Gulp a glass of water regularly
Water is main source which discards bad products from our body via kidney. Water keeps our body cool and intern nullifies harmful radicals in our body. It is calculated that healthy human being must drink 3 liters of water regularly.

Gulp a glass of water regularly

Avoid swallowing excessive medicines
This is a very important weight loss tip that everyone should concentrate on. It is superstitious notion that medicines eradicate every problem in our body. Small, minor health problems which can be easily taken care of by care and time is to be done ignoring medicines. Modern world has given many pills, oral sedatives which can be ignored as much as possible as all this will increase your weight.

Avoid swallowing excessive medicines

Serious surgery
Science has improved tremendously in the modern era. Most of our health problems are solved with in a fraction of a second by medical science. Nowadays many fat reducing techniques are introduced in surgery. Like- liposuction and plastic surgery can be short and precipitous remedy to our problems.

Serious surgery

Apples are Low In Calories And Fat
Calories are calories, whether they are from healthy fruits and vegetables or a plate of fettuccine Alfredo. Since you lose weight when you burn off more calories than you consume, it is best to eat foods that will make you feel full without the calories. That is why an apple as a snack will not hurt your weight loss efforts like so many fat-free snack foods that are on the market. These foods contain lots of calories even though they are low in fat. Apples do not, thus killing two birds with one stone.

Apples are Low In Calories And Fat

The Best Exercise for Teens Weight Loss
There are various exercises to lose weight fast without   jeopardizing your health. Among those some exercises are discuss below:

 The Best Exercise for Teens Weight Loss. There are various exercises to lose weight fast without   jeopardizing your health. Among those some exercises are discuss below:

1. Climbing the stairs – stair climbing can burn a lot of calories. 10 minutes of this exercise can burn 100 calories.
2. Swimming - is one of the best exercise to lose weight, it works all your muscle groups and burns tons of fat.
3. Rowing – is a quick way to shed those calories because you are utilizing the large muscle of the back.
4. Jumping jacks – are the easiest activity you could do at no extra cost. It can be done anywhere during your spare time. It uses your quads muscle for maximum calorie burn.
5. Walking – is also a best exercise to lose weight, you can either do it outside if the weather is fine or you can actually do it in the mall.

At the end there is no certain one type of exercise that will help you exercise to lose weight, you just have to find one that you like to do and that you are sure to stick to it. It is the most important consideration to keep in mind, in attaining your goal to shed those extra pounds. Finding what you love to do and enjoying the activity as you go along.

Skin is health such a challenge for teens? 
Because their hormones are raging at this time as their body develops into adulthood. Testosterone comes into play and this can switch the sebaceous gland into over drive causing oily skin, breakouts and acne. Teens' natural reaction to this is to scrub, deep clean and strip which creates more problems. There’s no difference in how a 15-year-old or a 50-year-old should treat acne--age is not a skin type! In fact, most acne routines for teens contain needless irritants, which will only lead to more oily skin and create more pimples.

How to Get Rid of Acne/Pimples/Teenage

Cleanse and moisturize 
Wash your face with a good cleanser and moisturizer daily every morning and night. Pick one that is specifically designed for fighting blemishes. This is basic skincare 101. But don't overdo it. If you wash your face every hour on the hour thinking the bacteria won't stand a chance, you'll just end up drying out your skin, causing breakouts for other reasons. Stick to the morning and at night, always using a clean washcloth, warm water, and a mild soap. And don't scrub too hard! Your face is delicate

Cleanse and moisturize

Keep your hands away from your face 
No problem is probably what you're thinking. Until you actually start trying to be aware of how often you touch your face and realize it's all the time. We're always scratching, wiping our lips, or rubbing our noses, ears, and eyes. If you think about it too much, you'll feel downright UN-evolved. We use are hands to interact with everything and everyone. And the world isn't exactly a clean place. People are constantly sharing sweat, grime, oil and bacteria  by touching door knobs, counters, handles, and simply existing. So when you go to rest your face on your palm, think again.

Keep your hands away from your face

Work out 
And you thought exercising was just for your waistline -- it's for your skin, too (and your mind!). Try to get in half an hour at least every other day to reap the benefits. As you probably well know, exercise lessens stress. And less stress means less oil production and normal hormone levels. That means there'll be less sebum production in your follicles -- or fewer blemishes on your skin. So however you can reduce your stress, do it. It's worth it for plenty of reasons.

Work out

Get a prescription 
If you've cleaned out your drug store of their acne-fighting products and nothing has worked, you may need to ask your doctor for a prescription for antibiotics. They're used to kill bacteria of any shape, size, and strain, including acne. He or she will prescribe you a pill or a cream to kill the P. acnes bacterium. Inflammation should cease and future bacteria should be sent to the streets. Tetracycline is a common option as it prevents the bacteria from producing protein.

Get a prescription

Try toothpaste
Toothpaste works well to clear blackheads.  You just need to apply a thin layer of toothpaste on the blackheads affected skin. Rub with a toothbrush, gently. You might feel a sense of irritation as you apply it on your skin, but it is normal. You need to apply it every alternate day in order to completely remove the blackheads and pimples on your skin.

 Try toothpaste.

Use talcum powder
It may also have a positive effect as it will dry up the spots. Just sprinkle a bit of talcum powder on your hand and dab it on your spots before you go to bed every night. It is possible to get break outs from skin that is too dry and not too oily. If your skin is too oily, skip this option.

Use talcum powder

How to Get Rid of Pimples Using Green Apple
Take a green apple
Cut it with a knife
Take a very small piece of it and put it on your pimple.
Try this every day. It will not happen in one day. It will take some time.
After some days you will feel a difference in your face. Pimples will stop invading
You can even eat a green apple.
Every morning before going to school, you can eat a green apple as your breakfast.
A green apple a day, keeps the pimples away.

How to Get Rid of Pimples Using Green Apple. Take a green apple.

You can even use a face wash that has green apple extracts in it.
Ayurveda exfoliating face wash works best.It contains green apple extracts.

Live ten Healthy thing I will teach my daughter And Son:
Live ten Healthy thing I will teach my daughter And Son.

Healthy 10 thing I will teach my daughter

1. know who you are and what you stand for

2. Be heard

3. Respect yourself

4. Know that no one owns you

5. Live authentically

6. Be confident in your ta talent, wisdom and abilities

7. Be kind to yourself

8. Know that knowledge is power

9. Know that you are the only person who will always look out for you.

10.Take the high road.